You can use email outreach templates to build backlinks, generate leads, make connections with influencers, improve customer experience, and build your brand.
But let’s face it: reaching out is one thing. Getting a response is another.
And often times, a positive response is entirely dependent on the quality of email you send out.
But who has time to create new email templates for every conceivable situation?
Wouldn’t your life be much easier if someone did the work for you, and allowed you to use a plug-and-play template for dozens of different scenarios?
Well if the answer to either of these questions is yes, today is your lucky day, because that’s just what you’re about to receive.
Yes, we all hate sending out cold emails, but sometimes they are a necessary evil. Plus, they make it easier to send warm emails to your target audience.
The three email examples you see here can help you craft a cold email, a slightly less cold email, and a warm email.
Cold Email
There are many ways to create your list of cold prospects, but a lot of B2B companies scour LinkedIn to see if their targets have recently been promoted or gotten a new job, which makes an introductory email easier to send, because you can use that promotion or new job as your entry point.
Crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter can also be useful in identifying businesses or entrepreneurs who recently received substantial funding for their projects.
Once you’ve got your list ready, your entire goal in this first email is to ‘warm the room’ and just let the targets know you exist and that you are aware of their promotion or new funding and wish them luck:
Hey, [name]!
Congratulations on your recent [round of funding/promotion].
What you’re doing is going to impact [their industry] in a major way.
I look forward to seeing how you improve it!
[your name and title]
The key here is to keep the email short and sweet. You don’t have a relationship yet, so don’t overstay your welcome. This is just your teaser. Remember that, and you’ll be fine.
Slightly Less Cold Email
When is a cold email slightly less cold? When it includes something of value that you offer the prospect in addition to just saying ‘hello’ and introducing yourself.
In other words, this type of cold email includes an offer to fix something or improve on some aspect of the prospect’s business that won’t offend them.
Here’s an example:
Hey, [name]!
Your [choose whatever service or product you want] is amazing! I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your [product or services].
When I was looking at your site, though, I noticed an error. It’s a relatively simple fix.
Would you like me to write it up so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call.
[Your name and title]
This is a delicate balancing act, but one that you can pull off by making the offer of the ‘simple fix’ easy and uncomplicated.
And by fixing the minor error, you can open the door toward a more significant interaction in subsequent emails.
Here’s another example that gets right to the point by offering immediate value:
Hi [name],
I hope this note finds you well.
I’ve been working for a company called [your company name] that specializes in [describe your company’s products or services].
In thinking about your role at [recipient’s company], I thought there might be a good fit for your group.
Our [specific product or service] has garnered a lot of attention in the marketplace and I think it’s something that your organization might see immediate value in.
Can you help me get in contact with the right decision-maker?
[your name and title]
Warm Email
Once you’ve received a response from your cold outreach emails, you can move into the warm phase, in which you begin to make a small offer of service to the prospect.
Remember, however, that the goal with this type of email isn’t to hit a homerun and overwhelm the prospect with all your products and services.
The goal is to simply make a small offer that gives the prospect a ‘taste’ of what you have to offer:
Hey, [name]!
I hope you’re doing well. I see you’ve [published a post, done something interesting].
Great stuff!
I was doing some research this morning and noticed you [have a need for our product/aren’t doing X/could benefit from Y].
I actually sell [product or service] that can help you with that!
(Optional) Can you point me in the direction of [sales department/person who handles purchasing]? I promise to be brief and helpful.
Either way, keep up the great work! And let me know if there’s anything I can do to [help you with goal].
[your name and title]
Phone prospecting is right near the top of the list of things marketers hate to do, but the personal connections you can make with your customers is invaluable.
Below are two types of phone prospecting: one to help you set up a phone call, and the other to follow up after a phone call has taken place.
Setting Up a Phone Call Email
In some cases, you need to send an email to set up a phone call, because the product or service you offer requires an explanation that can only be handled through a conversation.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking: people hate to talk on the phone when they know they’re being ‘sold.’
Before you lose hope, however, take a look at this template that makes it easy for the recipient to get on the phone by flattering him or her for something they’ve done, then provides date and time options to make the call convenient.
And don’t forget that the ‘either way’ at the end of the email gives the recipient the feeling that you value their contributions even if they don’t agree to take your call:
Hey, [name]!
I hope you’re doing well. I see you’ve [published a post, done something interesting].
Great stuff!
I was doing some research this morning and noticed you [have a need for our product/aren’t doing X/could benefit from Y].
My company actually works with people like you to help them achieve [goal].
Would you be interested in a brief call to see if we can help you grow your business? I promise to take up no more than 15 minutes.
Let me know if you’re available at:
[Date & Time]
[Date & Time]
[Date & Time]
Either way, keep up the great work!
[your name and title]
Following Up After a Phone Call Email
Let’s say that your initial email to set up a phone call was successful, and you had a positive conversation with your prospect.
Follow-up is the key to converting a prospect into a long-term customer, so you have to send an email soon after your phone call that looks like this:
Hey, [name]!
It was great chatting with you earlier today and learning more about how you [role] at [company]!
I understand the issues you’re facing with [challenges discussed in conversation] and how they make it harder to [do X discussed in call].
As discussed, I’ve attached more information about our resources and how we can help you [achieve a goal] and solve [business problem].
Let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to chat again or follow up with an email. If not, I look forward to talking again on [date and time].
[your name and title]
Creating a positive customer experience has become one of the most important goals for any business that wants to thrive in the cutthroat world of digital marketing.
After, all, if your customers don’t view your company in a positive light, you will lose those customers to a company that cares about their wants and needs, and caters to them in a manner that is personal and validating.
The customer experience is not a new concept and dates back to the late 19th century with the invention of the switchboard, which allowed businesses and customers to begin communicating with each other.
But that experience now largely takes place online, and there are situations in which you will need to send emails to engage directly with your customers. Here are some templates to help…
Soliciting Content Ideas From Customers Email
Since ‘content’ is the key to good ‘content marketing,’ you need to make sure that your content is valuable.
The simplest way to understand the meaning of ‘valuable’ is to ask yourself whether the content you’ve created — or are thinking of creating — solves a problem for your customer, or helps fill a want or need.
And one of the most effective ways is to send an email to your list of customers and prospects, asking what topics they find most important:
Hi [first name],
As [position name] of [company], there’s nothing that keeps me up at night more than thinking about how we can deliver more value to you.
I want to hear about your experience with [the problem you’re solving]. What you struggle with. What you hope to achieve. What you love and hate. What you’ve been wanting to overcome but just haven’t been able to yet.
If you’re willing to give me 10–15 minutes of your time, it would mean a lot to me. And I promise that we’ll do everything in our power to help you break through your biggest [your industry] challenges.
If you’re interested, just reply to this message, and I’ll send you instructions for setting up our call.
Thanks so much.
[your name and title]
Customer Development Email
Building your business requires massive effort, none more so than when you’re just launching.
Customer development outreach emails are valuable when you’re targeting people that you want to become future customers.
Your introductory email must be brief and to the point so that your recipients can quickly evaluate your needs and determine if they have any interest in responding.
Here’s an example of this type of email:
[Hey, name],
I am doing some research on your company to determine if there is (or is not) a need for [your company’s core product or service].
Could you please help me by pointing me to the best person there for a brief discussion?
[your name and title]
Based on a positive response, this would be the next email in your correspondence:
Hey [person you have targeted],
Hope you’re doing great and keeping busy.
As I mentioned, I’m working on getting my new business on its feet. I know you do a lot of [whatever service they offer], and I was hoping I could steal just 10 minutes of your time to ask a few questions. I’m not selling anything, but I am interested in hearing how you guys do [whatever service they offer].
Let me know what time works for you, and thanks in advance.
[your name and title]
Customer Retention Email
Sometimes, you spend so much time trying to turn prospects into customers that you forget to service your existing customers.
And don’t forget that acquiring a new customer can cost seven times more than simply making the ones you have happy and validated.
The customer retention email is the perfect opportunity to express your company vision and culture, and to solicit suggestions for how you can improve your products and services:
Hi [name of recipient],
As [position name] of [your company], there’s nothing that keeps me up at night more than thinking about how we can make a better [product or service] for you.
But one of the most important lessons we’ve learned over the years is that what WE think is best for the [product or service] doesn’t really matter. What matters most is the challenges our customers — that’s you — are facing, and how we can better solve them.
We’ve always worked hard to get to know our customers, but I want to go deeper than we ever have before.
Over the next few months, my goal is to have a conversation via phone or Skype with every single [your company name] customer. All [number of customers] of you.
I want to hear about your experience with [your company]. What you like. What you love. What you hate. What you’ve been wanting us to fix or improve, but just haven’t gotten around to emailing us about it.
If you are willing to give me 10–15 minutes of your time, it would mean a lot to me. And you’ll get to be a big part of helping us make [your company] the best it can possibly be.
Plus, I’m happy to offer help with any [customer service or support] issues you’re tackling.
If you’re interested, just reply to this message, and I’ll send you instructions for setting up our call.
Thanks so much for being a loyal [your company name] customer.
[your name and title]
Customer Exit Survey Email
Despite your best efforts, you will lose customers along the way, but that doesn’t mean you should just let them go without asking why they left in the first place.
This can provide you with valuable insight into how some of your dissatisfied customers view your company and trigger some much-needed changes:
Hey [recipient],
Thank you so much for giving [company product or service] a try. I’m sorry that you didn’t love it.
If possible, could you let me know the reason or reasons that you no longer want to be a customer?
Your answer will help us make [company product or service] better.
Just reply to this email and let me know. I’d really appreciate it.
[your name and title]
Customer Testimonial Request Email
Glowing reviews help generate positive word-of-mouth, increase the chances for referrals, and provide you with that all-important social proof (which puts other customers and potential customers at ease because someone has validated your product or service).
The first type of email you can send is to solicit a review from a customer. Here’s an example:
Hi [recipient],
Thanks for choosing [your business]. I wanted to reach out personally and ask about your experience.
What was your experience like? (e.g. amazing, terrible, etc.)
We want to be better. Your feedback helps us accomplish that. If you’re willing, it only takes a minute or two.
Share your review here [link]
Thanks for your trust,
[your name and title]
The key to this solicitation email is to make it as easy as possible for the customer to leave a review, AND to encourage honest feedback, even it is negative.
And let’s say that you receive a positive review from this email, you can send the same customer a follow-up email that looks like this one:
Hey [recipient],
I really appreciate your kind words about [product or service] on [social media or review site where customer posted thoughts]. It always makes me and our whole team super excited when customers are so happy that they tell the world.
Would you mind if we shared your story on our site?
I would also love to get some insight into your experience with [product or service]. Let me know if you have a few minutes to hop on a call, or feel free to answer the two questions below:
What is the biggest value you have gotten from [product or service]?
What was the moment you knew you had made the right choice with [product or service]? What did we do to prove that you were getting real value out of the [product or service]?
[your name and title]
But let’s face it, not everybody is going to like your products or services, and when that dreaded negative review rears its head, you have to implement damage control.
Here is an email that might be helpful:
Hi [recipient],
I’m very sorry to read about your bad experience with [product or service].
We pride ourselves on providing the best to our customers, and we regret that our [product or service] did not meet your expectations.
My name is [name], and I am the [owner/manager] here at [company name]. I would love to try to make things right, so if you would like to discuss this further, please contact me at [direct phone number/email].I look forward to making your experience with [your company] a better one.
I look forward to making your experience with [your company] a better one.
[your name and title]
And by the way…if you are able to resolve the customer’s issue, ask them to write another review explaining how you made things right.
Crisis Management Email
A crisis can occur at any time, and sometimes the problem is your fault, and other times it is out of your control (servers go down).
In some instances, the crisis is simply one in which you sent an incorrect or invalid item to your subscribers.
That’s what happened to Petco, and in the example below, the company quickly made things right:
Notice how Petco included a photo of an adorable dog to counteract customer frustration with the error?
Humor or cute puppies can be a potent antidote to angry customer feedback.
But what about a more serious crisis, such as one that shuts down your site?
But when this occurs, your team should immediately draft an email and send it to the customers on your list to let them know what’s happening and when it is likely to be resolved.
Prompt action can go a long way towards building customer trust that your company cares about them and is transparent when a crisis hits.
Use this email to keep your customers informed:
Hi, this is [your name and title],
Today at [time your site went down], we received notice that there was a [explain the reason for the outage].
I want to assure you that none of your data or information has been lost, and that any emails you send will begin to come through as soon as our servers are back up. We hope to have everything running within [add 15 minutes to the time you were told your site would be up again].
You’ve put your trust in [your company name], and I know how upset you might feel if you’ve been trying to [buy a product] [access your account]. Although the error was not in our control, I want to express how sorry I am for this issue.
Please know that as soon as this issue is resolved, we’ll be looking at ways to ensure that this never happens again.
Again, please accept my deepest apologies. I’ll update you shortly to let you know when the server has been restored.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me directly at [email address].
Thank you,
[your name and title]
Whether you have an existing blog, or are you are about to launch a new blog, you need to create awareness of that blog. The following two templates can help you achieve that goal…
Blog Promo Email Before You Publish It
One of the most difficult challenges many people face is building an audience, especially online. That’s why promoting your blog — and your content — is so important.
You’ve probably read a lot about influencer marketing and how it can get your site in front of new eyes, which in turn, (hopefully) translates into new leads and more sales.
Once you’ve made a list of influencers in your industry that you want to target, this is a handy email you can send out:
Hey, [name]!
I just wanted to say, I’m a huge fan of your work. I especially loved [link to one of their recent posts].
Great stuff! [Insert key takeaway or funny comment]
I’m actually publishing a post on [topic] next week. Being a master at [topic], I thought you might enjoy it.
Would you care if I sent you the link when it goes live to get your feedback?
Thanks for your time,
[your name]
After one or more influencers send a positive response, you would then send a follow-up email when your blog post goes live:
Hey, [their name]!
I just wanted to let you know that the post I talked about last week is live!
I’d really love to get your feedback. Would you mind leaving a comment on the post?
[your name and title]
It’s really important that you ask for the influencer to comment, because that makes him or her feel connected to your piece, and reminds them that you value their authority on the subject.
Blog Promo Outreach After You Publish It
There is a chance, unfortunately, that none of the influencers you reached out to will respond.
Does that mean you’re finished?
No, it simply means that you need to send a slightly different email to influencers that you didn’t include the first time around, as well as other bloggers who may not have the same level of authority, but have still built a solid following.
Here’s a great template you can use:
Hey, [name]!
I noticed you’re really interested in [topic]. I’d even wager to say you’re something of an expert.
I was wondering if you’d mind taking a look at a post I just published about [topic]:
Could you please give me a little feedback on the post? I’d really appreciate you leaving a comment.
Either way, keep up the great work!
[your name and title]
Again, the key is making the ‘ask’ for the feedback, because that — along with the quality of your post — will largely determine whether you get a positive response.
There are many ways to skin the branding cat, but one of the best is to create quality written content that builds awareness throughout your industry.
Two effective means of promoting your content are to become a columnist for a highly reputable blog, or to guest post on an authoritative site that wields significant influence.
Use the two email examples below to begin reaching out to powerful people that can help get your content noticed.
Columnist Request Email
If you’re a blogger for a small but distinguished site, and you want to broaden your audience by writing for a bigger publication then you need to send an email that strikes the perfect balance of professionalism and flattery.
What you need is a columnist outreach letter, which is very similar to writing a pitch letter to a magazine to become a regular contributor.
The letter should provide enough of your background and experience to draw the interest of the person you are querying, but should not be so packed with detail that it becomes overwhelming.
Subject: Columnist for {Publication Name}
Body: Hi {First Name},
I hope you’re well.
I’m just getting in touch because I’m a reader and regular commenter on {Publication name}. I’m the {Job title} of {Company name}, {On-line Description of Business}.
I’m looking to further build my reputation within the industry by writing for a select few key {Industry type} publications (hence why I’m getting in touch with you).
Currently, I’m a regular contributor to {Website Name} and the {Website Name}, amongst a few others (including my own blog — {URL here}) and it would be great to partner with {Website Name} to become a columnist.
You can check out my full credentials on my LinkedIn page (I sent you a connection request today) — {LinkedIn profile URL}
Here’s an example of some recent articles I’ve written:
URL of an article written by the individual
URL of an article written by the individual
URL of an article written by the individual
I’ve had {X Number of Years} experience within the {Industry type} industry, so could offer a lot to your readers. Alongside this, I’d be happy to meet any deadlines that you put in place.
Let me know if you need any more information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
{Signature and title}
Guest Post Request Email
The key with a guest post outreach email is to get straight to the point. And you also have to make sure that you pitch three really crackling ideas that also have terrific, attention-grabbing headlines:
Hi [Name],
[Personalized comment]
I’m writing to you because I’m interested in contributing a guest post on your site.
Based on what has worked for [Site name] in the past, I feel that your readers would love these ideas:
[Idea Title #1][Brief Description]
[Idea Title #2][Brief Description]
[Idea Title #3][Brief Description]
To give you an idea of my writing style and quality, here’s a guest post I recently wrote for [Guest post link]
Do you think these ideas would be a good fit for your [site, publication, newsletter]?
[Your name and title]
Product reviews can help generate positive word-of-mouth about your company, and boost your referrals. There are two types of product review emails you can send:
- One targeting influencers
- The other targeting customers who have bought a product or service and had a good experience with it.
Examples of each are below.
Product Review Email To Influencer
The key to this email is making sure the product review is worthwhile for the influencer, which typically means offering freebies.
Hi [name],
My name is [your name] from [your company]. I really enjoy your [relevant content] and am impressed by how well you’ve done with [recipient’s company name].
I’m reaching out to you because I have a [product/service] that I think your audience would appreciate.
Would you be willing to test and review [product/service]?
I can provide a free sample for you to review, and three extra ones that you can give away to your audience
Please let me know if you are interested.
Thanks for your time.
[your name and title]
Product Review Email To Recent Customers
If your company is driven by product sales, you can use your database of existing customers who recently made a purchase to ask them for a product review:
Hey, [name]!
Thanks so much for ordering [product] from [your site]!
You helped us [accomplish a goal, like hitting an income level or selling X product].
Would you mind helping us accomplish one more goal?
We’re trying to [get X product reviews, get into the hands of X people, etc.]. To do that, we need you to leave a product review on your recent purchase.
It only takes 30 seconds. You can leave a review here:
Thank you — your review means a lot to us!
(Optional) As an added bonus we’ll give you [discount/freebie] for reviewing!
[your name and title]
Generating backlinks can be very beneficial for your business, not only because it helps boost your search engine rankings, but also because quality inbound links are a sign of credibility and authority to people who are new to your company’s products and services.
Here are some templates you can use to help you generate more quality backlinks.
Request To Update Anchor Text Email
There are instances in which your brand, product or service was mentioned in a blog piece on another site, but the link that was included in the piece does not take visitors to a landing page or a page that best showcases your product or service.
The ‘request to update anchor text’ email can quickly provide the blogger who used the anchor text with a more relevant anchor text without that blogger having to do much work:
Hi {contact name},
I wanted to reach out to you regarding our link {insert link} in your “{page title}” article.
We thought that by changing the anchor text from {current anchor text} to {new anchor text}, it would better benefit your readers who want to learn more about our product.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing back from you regarding our request.
{senders name and title}
Fixing Broken Links Email
Offering to fix broken links on an authoritative site is an effective way for you to get a backlink that you’ve targeted.
That’s because you’re hiding your real intent by offering to do a service for that site, and you’re slipping in the backlink request almost as an afterthought.
The key to this email is that you have to do it in two parts, because you need a response to the broken link-fixing offer, before you can mention the backlink. And you also have to find a good replacement URL for the broken link, so you will have to do some research.
The first email would look similar to this:
Hey, [name]!
I was digging around for information on [topic] today and came across your post: [link to their post]
This is great! Lots of good advice. I even [implemented something, learned something.
However, I did find some broken links there. Let me know if you’d like me to send you the list I made.
[Your Name and title]
Then once you receive a positive response, you can send the second email:
“No problem!
Here are the broken links I found:
[Broken Link URL] + [Replacement URL]
BTW, I just wrote a post about [topic]: [post URL]
I thought it would be a great addition to the page.
Either way, hope this helps and keep up the great work!
[Your Name and title]
Resource Page Link Building Email
While chasing backlinks, you can also try the sheer flattery and appreciation route, in which you send an email to the owner of a resource site in your industry. Before writing this email, make sure you have a blog piece ready to send that would fit in seamlessly on the resource site:
Hey, [name]!
I was digging around for information on [topic] today and came across your resource page: [link to resource page]
What an awesome list of resources! I didn’t even know about some of them.
If you’re interested, I actually just wrote a guide on [topic]: [your URL]
It might make a great addition to your page.
Either way, keep up the great work! Thanks for your time.
[Your Name and title]
Brand Mention Email
There’s nothing more satisfying than when one of your core products or services gets a mention in a blog piece, especially if it’s from a reputable and authoritative site that can help you build your credibility.
But sometimes the mention doesn’t include a link to your website, which kind of defeats the purpose, right?
So here’s an example of a brand mention outreach template you can use to gently nudge the writer of the blog piece to add a link:
Hi {First Name},
First off, I’d like to thank you for mentioning {brand / product} within your recent article. We appreciate it!
I noticed within the article that you didn’t link through to our website when you mentioned us. Is there any chance that you can quickly update the post with a link? Here’s the link to save you time searching for it: {link to homepage / product page}.
Thanks in advance, and if you never need any more info on {brand / product} then I’d be happy to supply you with it (imagery, video, content, etc).
Thanks again!
{Signature and title}
Scholarship Outreach Email
Offering a scholarship can help your business attract inbound links from reputable sites in your industry, but awareness is the key to this marketing plan. You can help drum up interest by sending out an email that explains what the scholarship entails, the eligibility requirements, and how candidates can submit an application:
Hello [Name or title of person],
{Your company name} is very excited to tell you that we are offering a scholarship to students of [targeted school]. We would love to make an application for this scholarship available to your students.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to participate in the scholarship contest, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be currently attending or planning to attend a college or university during the [semester / year] academic year.
- Must be in good academic standing with your current educational institution.
- For applicants under 18, must have permission from a parent or legal guardian.
- Must apply to the contest by email and provide your name, address and the name of the institution you are attending or plan to attend.
- Must provide your written essay by the deadline of [date].
- A winner will be chosen on [date you plan on choosing]
All essay submissions should be sent to: [contact email]
We would be honored if you could let your students know of this opportunity and possibly include us on your scholarship resource page here:
[insert resource page URL]
To learn more about the scholarship, you can visit our website at the link below as well as review the attached flyer. If you have any questions please let us know.
[Insert scholarship page URL]
[your name and title]
Podcasts have become a popular and effective way for a blog to share content with your audience.
The three email examples that follow can help you become a guest on a popular podcast, solicit a guest for your own podcast, and promote your own podcast.
Being a Guest On a Podcast Email
Everyone of influence seems to have a podcast, and that’s because they are really effective at communicating your brand message, as well as providing you the opportunity to host knowledgeable guests in your industry.
But even if you have your own podcast, you may have targeted another podcast that has more listeners and wields more influence in your industry for a guest gig.
After you’ve made a list of podcasts that can bring value to your brand, knock them out with this email:
Hey, [name]!
I’m a HUGE fan of your podcast. I especially liked [episode] because [takeaway or comment].
You consistently put out the best podcasts I’ve ever heard, and that’s why I’m reaching out to you. I’d really like to be a guest on your show.
[Quick about you, why you’d be a good guest. Link to an about page on your site.]
(Optional) To give you a better idea of what I’m like on the mic, here are a few other podcast episodes I’ve been on:
[Link to Podcast]
Either way, keep up the great work! Can’t wait for your next episode.
[Your name and title]
A couple of key things to remember here:
- You really need to sell the value you would bring to the podcast
- You need to include specific details about the podcast you ‘especially liked,’ so that the person who runs the podcast believes you are a real fan.
Getting Influencers On Your Podcast Email
Podcasts live and die by the quality of guests you offer your listeners, and that means that you have to make a list (pretty similar to the one you made to guest on a podcast) of people in your industry who move the needle.
Once you have that list, send this email, which you’ll notice is pretty similar to the one you sent out asking to be guest on a podcast:
Hey, [name]!
I’m a HUGE fan of your podcast. I especially liked [episode] because [takeaway or comment].
You consistently put out the best podcasts I’ve ever heard, and that’s why I’m reaching out to you. I’d really like to be a guest on your show.
[Quick about you, why you’d be a good guest. Link to an about page on your site.]
(Optional) To give you a better idea of what I’m like on the mic, here are a few other podcast episodes I’ve been on:
[Link to Podcast]
Either way, keep up the great work! Can’t wait for your next episode.
[Your name and title]
And by the way, if you’ve already been a guest on a podcast, you should start with that person first when looking for guests.
Podcast Promo Email
Once your podcast is humming along, you’ll want to build out your listener base, and a really effective way to do that is to…yep, reach out to that same group of influencers you targeted to guest on your podcast or for you to guest on their podcast.
The truth is that the digital marketing world is a small one, despite what seems like an endless parade of newcomers, and you’re going to be interacting with a lot of the same people.
This email is slightly different than the other ones you sent related to your own podcast, because you’re asking the influencer to actually provide feedback on what he or she hears.
And that’s why it is SUPER IMPORTANT that the podcast episode is as short and entertaining as possible. Influencers have very little free time, so asking them to listen to a 45-minute podcast is too much.
The sweet spot is 10–12 minutes, and the material has to be crackling, informative, funny and attention grabbing, or why bother?
Here’s what the email should look like:
Hey, [name]!
I noticed you’re really interested in [topic]. I’d even wager to say you’re something of an expert.
I was wondering if you’d mind listening to my latest podcast episode about [topic]:
It’s only X minutes long.
Could you please give me a little feedback on the episode? I’d really appreciate you leaving a comment.
Either way, keep up the great work!
[your name and title]
List building is a tiring, cumbersome tour-of-duty that can yield great rewards, but only if you commit to it as an essential part of your marketing strategy.
Welcoming new subscribers and ensuring that existing subscribers understand what your blog or site offers is essential to keeping them engaged, and there are three types of emails that can help you in this quest.
Subscriber Welcome Email
When you’re looking to build your email list with premium prospects, you need to ensure that you send a nice welcoming email after someone subscribes to your list.
That first email sets the tone for what the subscriber can expect, and it also reveals your business culture and how much you value the people who are interested in your products and services.
Here’s what a welcoming email after a subscriber opts in should look like:
Hey there!
I really appreciate you signing up to get new content from [your company].
Over the next few days, I’ll send you some highlights with our best content to help you get started. I know that you’re super busy, so I’ll do my best to make sure that every email I send is valuable to you, with experiences and lessons that you can use to help grow your [business] [individual endeavor].
You can reach me anytime at [email address]. You can also follow me on [social media handle].
Thanks again, and if you ever have any questions or feedback, just send me an email — I read and respond to every one.
[your name and title]
P.S. I’ll never send you spam, and I’ll never share your email address with anyone. If you ever want to unsubscribe, just use the link in the footer of this email.
Subscriber Second Welcome Email
But even after you’ve sent that first welcome email to new subscribers, your job isn’t done.
You want to immediately inform that new subscriber why it was worth it for him or her to opt in, and that’s the purpose of this second welcome email.
This email tells the subscriber why your content adds value to their life, and if you’ve been paying attention, you know that valuable content answers that most basic question:
What’s in it for me?
Here is a template for the second welcome email:
Hi there,
Since launching the blog, we’ve published more than [number of posts] on [list your topics], and every other areas where we’ve failed, won or learned.
To make it easier for you to get started, I put together a list of the ten most popular, valuable and controversial blog posts we’ve ever published. These are the ones I still get the most emails about, even though some of them are over a year old.
You can find the ten posts here [provide link].
Hope you enjoy
[your name and title]
Notice that part about ‘some of them are over a year old?’ Don’t include any posts that were published more than 12 months prior to the time that you send this email.
You want your content to feel evergreen (aka: new and relevant), and subscribers may get the wrong impression if you’re asking them to read a post that’s more than a year old.
Sending Subscribers Links To Guest Posts Email
Making subscribers aware of your guest posts on influencer sites is really important, because it establishes your authority within the industry.
Here’s something you can hit them up with:
Hi there,
I want to share some content I wrote that I think you’ll find really valuable that’s never appeared on our site.
These are guest posts I’ve written for influential blogs like [list each blog]. You can check them out here:
[link to article]
[link to article]
[link to article]
Thanks for checking them out. I hope you find them useful.
[your name and title]
One thing to remember with this email is that you shouldn’t include more than three links to your guest posts, or you’ll overwhelm your subscribers with too much information.
Email Templates Are a Valuable Tool
The biggest takeaway about all these email templates is that they are a valuable tool you can use for a number of different goals.
These outreach templates provide you with the structure for emails that can yield benefits from your prospects, your customers, and the people you’ve identified as authorities in your industry.
Keep in mind, however, that these templates only provide you with a structure for how an email with a specific goal should be written.
You must still tailor each email to your recipient, and include enough personalized words to make your email feel less like a form letter and more like a chat with someone you want to know better.
Remember also that whether you are trying to get a brand mention on an authoritative site, a guest post on an influencer’s blog, or permission to post a testimonial that can strengthen your social proof, NEVER use language that makes the recipient feel that you are desperate or that you are trying to box them into saying ‘yes.’
Emails are a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, but only if you use them correctly, maintain professionalism and avoid ever coming off as a pushy salesperson.
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Originally published at on October 11, 2017.